The latest release of CheckMyCCTV™ includes support for Network Optix’s Nx Witness and Digital Watchdog's Spectrum range of VMS and NVR recorders, joining the likes of Milestone, Avigilon, Vivotek, Hanwha Techwin, 360 Vision and dozens of others to the ever increasing list of CheckMyCCTV™ supported brands and systems.
The CheckMyCCTV™ checks that can be performed on Nx Witness and DW Spectrum include:
Network Status – Ensures connectivity to the system.
Camera Status – Checks the status of the cameras connected to the system.
Image Check – Takes a snapshot from each camera each day and analyses it to ensure it has not lost alignment, too bright or dark, or out of focus.
Record Duration – Ensures the system is recording for the correct user-defined time period.
Recording Check – Checks if the system is recording correctly.
Time Accuracy – Ensures the time and date on the device is accurate. …and more
These checks ensure that the system is working and operating as expected in a fraction of the time it takes to manually check them.
More than 15,000 CCTV systems are checked every hour of every day using CheckMyCCTV™.
Now is the time to join hundreds of Installers and Monitoring stations offering 24/7 system checking as part of their service and ensuring that their installed systems are working and operating as expected in a fraction of the time it takes to manually check them..
For more information and our FREE TRIAL offer, Click Here